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You're viewing Cyberstorm 2 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Cyberstorm 2
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-21 03:54:07
Views : 22033

Cheat :
Cheat mode:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "storm.ini" file in the game directory. Add one of more of the following lines under the "[SPECIAL]" header. Then, begin game play and press [Ctrl] + O at the indicated screen to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Screen storm.ini entry
1 credit Herc Base I'LL BUY THAT FOR A CREDIT
1,000 credits Herc Base WILL WORK FOR CREDITS
10,000 credits Herc Base MO MONEY
100,000 credits Herc Base TOO MUCH WHEAT
1,000,000 credits Herc Base YOU MAY HAVE ALREADY WON
Mega credits Herc Base CUC
Max-O-Repair mode Herc Base AS GOOD AS IT GETS
Max-O-Commander mode (Tech, Credits, Facilities) Herc Base YOU DA MAN
Max-O-Chassis mode Herc Base MUST HAVE!
Max-O-Facilities mode Herc Base HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS
All technologies Herc Base HE WHO DIES WITH THE MOST TOYS
Return to normal technologies Herc Base IT WAS NICE WHILE IT LASTED
Heal selected pilots During mission TARSUS
Repair selected vehicles During mission IT'S JUST A FLESH WOUND
Restock selected vehicles During mission FEEL MY WRATH
Reset selected units During mission GO GO POWER RANGER
Mega turn-based move points During mission FLY AWAY
Mega turn-based action points During mission VENGEANCE IS MINE
Single touch of death During mission DID I BREAK YOUR CONCENTRATION
Multi touch of death During mission THAT MUST HURT
Invincibility During mission THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE
Crush all enemies During mission DEATH TO ALL WHO OPPOSE US
Become another player During mission FREAKY FRIDAY
Fog of War level During mission LET THERE BE LIGHT
No Fog of War During mission LET THERE BE LIGHT V2

Face select:
Press [Ctrl] + [Left Square Bracket] or [Ctrl] + [Right Square Bracket] at the BioDerm facility to select a new pilot face.

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